Finding a New RSS Reader

A couple of months ago I bought a brand new device, a laptop to be precise. It also changed my old main device, MacBook, into this new device, Lenovo, where I installed Linux. After years of not touching Linux, it has been a fun ride to distro hopping again, but now is the time to finalize what distro I'm going to use and set up my new environment.

I decided to use Fedora, and have configured the Nvidia driver. One thing missing is the RSS Reader. When I still use a MacBook, NetNewsWire perfectly suits my needs. The iCloud sync, the UI, but unfortunately, it only supports Apple ecosystem. The lack of cross-platform support forces me to find a new reader where cross-platform support is available since I do still use my Apple devices as my go-to device, especially when I travel.

Initially, I just separated the RSS reader for my main device and the other one, but having a new subscription, bookmark, and read status not synched up is a bummer. I tried Raven Reader and Liferea, but none of them is far to be acceptable. The feature I looking for is mainly it has to have cross-platform support, synchronization, and also free. An application that caught my eye is Feedbin, it can be self-hosted, nevertheless, it seems tedious, according to their README file. They suggest another application that can be self-hosted. Well, I guess I'll try to look around for a web-based RSS reader to completely suit those three features I looking for.